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i would like to understand how pooing helps the system as pooing sometimes is very hard! especially when your constipated! HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I JUST WANNA POO!

Hello my name is anastatia,

Lately i have not been able to think as the thought of the pooing system keeps me wide awake! i would like to have some answers! please i want to sleep!!! I am having trouble being friendly because staying awake all night is causing me troubles! i was also wondering do you think guys with shaved heads, large forheads and pale forheads is attractive! i don't think it is! my friend recently got his shaved and i was just wondering peoples opinion.... any answers are appreciated...

no hate!

4500 day(s) ago

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with a proper diet pooing will not be "hard". plenty of water and fiber, easy on the meat and dairy. if it's really bad go for a mild laxative, if you have gone 3 days or so without pooing, strong tea or coffee should set you right, once again go easy on the cream, try it with lots of sugar and muscle it down. you'll poo soon after. as for the shaved thing, if his head is shaved and he has a large forehead, he's probably going bald but bald can be sexy too, it depends on the guy.

Posted 4405 day ago

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