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why do my sister and mother say i think im better than them?

Ever since i was a little girl theyve said this to me. Im intelligent, married, have 3 grown kids and a grandson. Im 41 and still wondering why. Im not speaking to my sister.

4087 day(s) ago

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Posted 3510 day ago

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Generally people say this in responce to your attitude, or the way you speak to them. It could also be they are a little insecure, perhaps you have accomplished alot, and they are jealous. Sometimes people don't realise how they come across to others untill they see it for themselves. My advise would be to record yourself interacting with people such as a hidden camera at a party you are throwing, and try to act like you don't know it is there. (act natural) you might be surprised at what you see, and might not realise how you behave. Ask others that would give you an honest opinion of yourselves what they think, try and include people that have seen you interact with your sister and mother. If all else fails try to repair this damaged relationship as soon as you can, life is too short for losing contact with someone in your family over something as petty as this. you might live to regret it.

Posted 4045 day ago

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