Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure there's no way to counteract most kinds of gradual baldness. It sounds like you have regular old "male pattern balding," which is a common curse among men. There are a few things you can do to slow the loss, but I don't think there's much you can do to counteract the hair you've already begun to lose!
If you're trying to keep what hair you have left, instead of shaving it off and starting from scratch, here are a few things you should keep in mind.
A healthy body makes healthy hair. Make sure you're drinking enough water and getting enough exercise. The same sort of things that make your skin clear and happy make your scalp happy too, and a happy scalp grows and maintains hair better.
Don't over wash your hair. I wouldn't say that you should let it get dirty and disgusting, but at this point you probably don't need to be doing the "repeat" step of "lather, rinse, repeat." If your hair is not particularly greasy normally, I might see if you could let it go a day or so between washings, so as to avoid loosening the follicles more quickly than they naturally may. Don't go over the top with this, though! It's worse in my opinion to have a full head of greasy gross hair than a totally bald one.
Get your thyroid checked out. Hypothyroidism, which is a disorder of the thyroid gland, affects most of your body, including your hair. If you've felt tired or cold more than usual, it might be that!
Sorry that there's no magic cure!
Posted 5514 day ago