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how do i get a business license ?

How do I get a business license?

5507 day(s) ago

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Mr. Boxy
Regulations vary city to city, and some businesses will also need to fulfill additional state and federal requirements before a license can be issued. You should talk to a lawyer to make sure you cover all the requirements for your business.

You will need an official place of business located in a properly zoned area. Don't assume that a commercially-zoned property will be able to house your business: some towns restrict where specific types of businesses can locate. Liquor stores and adult-oriented businesses are the most restricted, but some communities may prevent businesses they consider eyesores, like used car lots and tattoo parlors, from opening in certain areas. If you are starting a home-based business, most states require a special waver, essentially rezoning a room of your house as a commercial area.

You may need additional licenses depending on the type of business you have. States require licenses for liquor sales, contractors, hairdressers, security services, and almost any financial business. The Federal government requires licenses for businesses involved in broadcasting, meat processing, firearm sales, drug manufacture, transportation, and investment banking.

Most places will require your business to have a DBA, or "Doing Business As," an official name for the business. Most states will require that you have a unique name in that state, or at least have a unique name for the type of business you have. This can be different from your corporation name. The issuing of DBAs is handled by the county clerk.

Finally, you are ready to get your business license. You will need the paperwork for all the zoning, licensing, and naming you just did, and will need to pay a small fee. If you are outside city limits, you may only be required to file with the state to pay business taxes.

Posted 5507 day ago

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