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What causes food allergies?

What causes food allergies. Why are some people allergic and not others?

5484 day(s) ago

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A protein in the food is the most common allergic component

Posted 5115 day ago

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When you have a food allergy, your immune system mistakenly identifies a specific food or a substance in food as something harmful. Your immune system triggers cells to release antibodies known as immunological E (IE) antibodies to neutralize the culprit food or food substance (the allergen). The next time you eat even the smallest amount of that food, the IE antibodies sense it and signal your immune system to release a chemical called histamine, as well as other chemicals, into your bloodstream.

These chemicals cause a range of allergy signs and symptoms. They are responsible for causing allergic responses that include dripping nose, itchy eyes, dry throat, rashes and hives, nausea, diarrhea, labored breathing, and even anaphoric shock. There are more common allergies like Coughing, Itching of the nose, mouth, throat, skin, or any other area,Runny nose,Skin rash , Stomach cramps...

Posted 5115 day ago

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One of the most common food allergies is a sensitivity to peanuts. The peanut allergies may be severe, but the children with peanut allergies sometimes outgrow them. The tree nuts such as pecans, pistachios, pine nuts and walnuts are also common allergens. Milk, from cows, goats or sheep, is another common allergy causing food.

Posted 5126 day ago

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Food allergies occur because of an improperly working immune system. Certain proteins that are introduced into the body through food are falsely recognized by the immune system as dangerous substances. The proteins that cause an allergic reaction are called allergens. When allergens are detected, the immune system directs the body’s cells to start producing immunoglobulin antibodies to try and fight and destroy what is usually a harmless, or even nutritious, protein. Once the antibodies are produced they stay in the body for long periods of time that range from several years to the rest of your life. When the allergen is reintroduced into the body, the antibodies trigger the release of histamines and other chemicals that cause the symptoms of the allergy. Common symptoms of allergies include runny nose, itching eyes, sore throat, hives, rashes, and diarrhea. In some instances more severe symptoms are produced, such as nausea, fainting, difficulty breathing, and anaphylactic shock. If not immediately treated, anaphylactic shock leads to death.

Some foods seem to produce more allergies than other foods. Foods that have the highest rates of allergic reactions are shellfish, fish eggs, peanuts, and true nuts. Also, children are more susceptible to food allergies than are adults. Children often lose the allergy as they mature. It is theorized that the high rate of allergies in children is due to the immune system being not yet fully developed.

Food allergies are not be mistaken for food intolerance or other conditions of the digestive system. Most food allergies do not cause digestive problems. If a problem with digestion occur, it is most likely due to something other than allergy, such as IBS, food poisoning, lack of enzymes, stress, heartburn, or acid reflux.

The exact cause of why some immune systems see certain proteins as allergens has not been determined by medical science. However, several theories exist as to the reason. One theory insists allergies are caused by vaccines we receive as children. No scientific studies support this theory. Another theory says food allergies come from exposing babies to foods before their systems can support digestion of the food. Another leading theory suggests that allergies occur due to over cleanliness. This is why allergies are more prevalent in developed countries. Too much cleaning has eliminated many of the bacteria that our body needs to develop a strong immune system.

Posted 5484 day ago

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