No, unfortunately, elephants cannot jump. While cartoons always show elephants jumping away in fear from mice (which, as far as I can tell, is a myth in and of itself!) elephants are constructed in such a way that makes it impossible for them to jump. Their legs aren't built in a way that would allow them to launch their substantial girth into the air, let alone support when it came crashing back to earth. They are certainly built in a manner that all four of their feet may hit the ground if they are somehow dropped from a very limited height, but jumping is not a feat they can manage without altered gravitational pull, diminished size, or a completely different physical structure.
At least plenty of other animals can jump! Anything from cats to fleas can jump surprisingly high. They may not be quite as impressive in size as elephants, but the heights and acrobatic feats other animals can achieve is fun to watch. I've wasted more time than I'd like to admit watching videos of other animals jumping while trying to answer your question!
On a similar note, this video is probably the closest you'll ever find to actually seeing an elephant jump! Hopefully it will serve as a nice consolation prize for being told that elephants cannot jump in real life.
Posted 5502 day ago