Mr. Boxy
By phone number
If you know the person's phone number, you can use a reverse lookup service. Major telephone search sites like and include this on their front page.
Even if the number is unlisted, you may get enough information to know the general area of the phone number; land lines should be enough for you to narrow down the number to a town, although cell numbers could be registered anywhere in the state.
By name
The same services you can use to look people up by their phone number can also be used by name as long as they have a land line.
Sometimes people will post personal information on social networking sites like Facebook. You can narrow down searches to these sites using the "site:" option. For example, searching "John Doe" will only look for mentions of John Doe on Myspace.
By GPS coordinates
Most on-line map services can look up addresses by GPS coordinates. For example, if you type 43°59?36?N 102°14?30?W into Google, you will get a Google Maps page showing 510 Main Street, Wall, SD, the location of Wall Drug. GPS coordinates may not mesh exactly with street addresses, so you may need to look through the map to find exactly what you are looking for. Sometimes the address is located on a different part of the building, or the coordinate is far enough off to denote a location across the street.
Posted 5469 day ago