Always wear proper safety equipment, including gloves, eye protection, and dust masks. Fumes from some grouts can be toxic, and inhaled grout cement is very unpleasant.
Floor grouting should be done in one day. Changes in humidity and temperature day-to-day will change the color of the finished grout, making it look uneven. Work in small areas from one side of the room to the other, hopefully ending in front of a door. :)
Some grouts will need to be mixed with water. Grout will dry slower when mixed with cold water, giving you more time to work, particularly you're working outside on a hot day. If you're using a grout that contains latex, let it sit for fifteen minutes before applying to prevent hazing.
Grout is applied using a grout float. Move the float over the gaps at a 45-degree angle to force the grout into the spaces. You will be smearing the grout across the tile. This is OK. Ignore the mess and try to get as much grout into the spaces as possible.
The key to a nice finish is careful cleaning.
When the grout is wet, it will pull apart very easily. Slide the almost-dry sponge flat across the surface until you have a clean finish. This finished grout surface will be even with the tile. As it dries, it will sink in creating the concave look associated with grouted surfaces.
Posted 5470 day ago