Building a wooden fence can be a fun and rewarding project. The first thing in building a fence is to plan out which type of fence you want to build. No matter the type, you will need to place the fence posts first. Start on the corners. It is easiest to use a post hole digger, but in a pinch you can use a spade. The hole should be dug to a depth of 1/3 the length of the post. Place some gravel in the bottom of the hole for drainage. The post can then be secured by packing the hole with dirt or concrete. Tie a string along the corner posts to help align the center posts.
Once the posts are in, it’s time for the rails. At minimum, you will need two rails. You can nail the rails directly to the post, but for more support, you will want to use a joint. Grooved joints or slotted joints work well. Make sure the bottom rail is at least two inches above the ground. There’s more moisture on the ground, so elevating the rail will help prevent it from rotting. You may want the fence to consist only of rails. This is fine. Others prefer to place some vertical slats or pickets along the rails. If you are using pickets, you will want them evenly spaced. A good tip is to use a picket for spacing by placing it next to the first picket. When the second picket is placed, pull the spacer picket out and place it on the other side, and so on. This will give a one-picket spacing throughout the length of the fence.
Posted 5490 day ago