The MAC in MAC address stands for Media Access Control. This is a unique number that identifies the physical network hardware on your computer. Because of this, you may have three different MAC addresses, or more, on one computer, depending on how you are connecting to the internet. If you have the options of connecting via Ethernet controller, Wi-Fi, and telephone modem, each of these devices has a different MAC address. Although the syntax for MAC addresses has varied in the past, every current networking device now uses the IEEE 802 standard of six groups of two hexadecimal digits separated by dashes.
Finding the MAC address of your device depends on which type of computer you have and which operating system you are using.
Windows 95/98/ME
Go to the Start menu. Click on Run. Enter the command winipcfg. The MAC address, and a lot of other internet protocol information, will display. The MAC address is listed under the heading of Physical Address.
Windows XP/Vista/7
Go to the Start menu. Click on Run. Enter the command ipconfig / all. Make sure there are spaces on both sides of the slash. The MAC address will be listed as Physical Address.
Macintosh OS X
Go to the dock and click on System Preferences. Choose Network. Select the Airport tab and your MAC address will be listed under the heading of Airport ID.
Go to the root menu. Enter the command ipconfig –a. The internet information will be listed, and on the first line will be a header called HWaddr. The following numbers are the MAC address.
Posted 5449 day ago