Check for viruses and malware
These malicious pieces of software can hog processing cycles, and are the main cause of slow Windows systems. There are several free virus scanners available, with AVG Antivirus and Kaspersky being the most popular.
As files are deleted from your hard drive, it leaves empty spaces. Defragmenting takes advantage of this, rewriting all of your current files together in one block. When you load software from your hard drive, the read head doesn't have to move as much to access files, speeding up the process.
Shut down unnecessary programs
Check the programs on the lower-right corner of your screen. If you have software you don't use showing up here, you can stop it from loading, speeding up login times. Click on "All Programs" under the Start menu. Right-click on the "Startup" folder and click "Explore all users." This will open a Windows Explorer window. In this folder you'll see shortcuts to different programs. Deleting a shortcut will keep the program from loading when you start the computer.
Some motherboards offer the option to "overclock" the processor, letting it run at a higher speed. Look up your computer or motherboard manufacturer and see if they offer tools for overclocking. Some devices, like Asus' Eee PC, come with built-in overclocking software from the factory.
Posted 5471 day ago