Women like to pretend that men are complex creatures when it comes to love and it takes a special set of skills to turn him on and make him want you. For the most part, however, it is very simple to turn a guy on. Men respond to base sensory stimulation more than any mental stimulation. Here are some tips for turning a guy on.
Be Sexy
You know how to be sexy. Tease him. Tell him you want him. Run a finger over his skin, from his nose to his stomach. Some guys like lingerie, but others prefer a more relaxed look, like an oversized t-shirt. Make funny pouty faces with your lips. Give him a wink. Shoot him a devilish smile. Light kisses work well. Be suggestive. Let him know that you want him to be turned on and that, in turn, it will turn you on too.
Seduce Him
Men love to be seduced, and many of them like to be sexually teased. Strip clubs are not a multi-billion dollar industry for no reason. Make it obvious that you want him. Men don’t like to play games. They don’t like complications. Go slow and tease, but let him know he’ll get what he wants in the end. If you leave him hanging too many times, he will get turned on in the moment, but ultimately find another outlet to finish what you started. He has to be given an attainable goal.
Personalize Your Actions
While it is easy to turn a guy on, the fun part is to personalize the action, by discovering what he likes. Play into his fantasies and tastes. Discover his personal “on” buttons and press them.
Posted 5475 day ago