There are three pieces of equipment you'll need.
A video camera: Webcams almost universally look bad, but you can get decent video out of a digital camera or some smartphones. However, they may only be able to record videos for short periods of time, with some only getting 15 seconds per shot. A basic camcorder can be bought for under $100.
A microphone: I cannot emphasize this enough. You NEED a good microphone. It needs to be separate from your video recorder so it can pick up the voices of the people on camera.
Video editing software: You may have this on your computer already. Apple includes iMovie on their computers, while Windows has Movie Maker. While you may want more powerful programs later on, these are a good start.
Slightly NSFW. You'll probably swear while making videos too.
Draw out little cartoons of the shots you want to take to plan out your filming. Where does the camera need to be? What should be on screen? What will you be doing in each shot?
Now that you know what you're doing, you're ready to shoot. This takes practice. When you first shoot, you'll need to figure out how far to place the mic, how to use the available lighting, and how to stay in the shot.
If you're looking into the camera, you can use your computer as a teleprompter. There are commercial programs, or you can try TeleKast, which is available for free:
The video you shot is raw material that you will need to mold into a cohesive product. Remember that the video and audio tracks can be altered separately; you can use this to add narration and music. You can put pieces of video together the same way you would cut and paste text in a word processor: the thumbnails and slow motion controls will help you match up frames for smooth transitions.
Posted 5473 day ago