Circumcision is a very controversial procedure, involving the removal of the extra skin, the foreskin, from the end of the penis, exposing the glans. For many people the decision on whether to circumcise their child is determined by their religion. Adherents of Islam and Judaism both submit their children to ritual circumcision as a means of spiritual cleansing. Atheists, Christians, and non-religious people are divided into two camps over the choice to circumcise. The Pro-circumcision camp says that circumcision is medically important, claiming it is more hygienic, helps resist infections, prevents penile cancer, and is more aesthetic. Those who oppose circumcision claim that it is mutilation, has no health benefits, and decreases sexual pleasure.
Scientists have studied people both circumcised and uncircumcised in the attempt to separate fact from myth, but, so far, they have not been able to prove or disprove many of the claims. What we know with certainty about circumcision is as follows:
• The foreskin contains over 1,000 nerve endings and the removal of it decreases sexual sensation. Since pleasure is a subjective experience, it cannot be said that it decreases pleasure.
• A circumcised penis is easier to keep clean. An uncircumcised penis requires more frequent and specific cleaning.
• Newborns who are circumcised have slightly less risk of developing urinary tract infections as children.
• No proven difference exists in the incidence of STDs among circumcised and uncircumcised males.
• Except in rare cases, penile cancer is found only in uncircumcised men.
• Circumcision increases the risk of meatitis, the inflammation of the opening of the penis.
• There is no absolute medical reason for circumcision of newborn infants.
Posted 5455 day ago