It is quite common for people new to wearing contact lenses to worry about them getting lost in the back of the eye, but I’ve never heard of anyone worrying about a contact lens getting to the back of the head. To do so, the contact lens would have to get to the back of the eye, travel through the orbit of the skull, and then either go around or through the brain. That would be quite a journey indeed. Rest assured, a contact lens cannot get to the back of the eye, so getting to the back of the head is equally impossible. On the inside of our eyelids is a strong membrane called the conjunctiva. The conjunctiva goes to the sides of the eye and then folds back toward the front where it attaches to the white of the eye. The conjunctiva is pretty strong, so a flimsy, disposable contact lens cannot get through. A hard contact lens can’t get through either, unless it is unnaturally forced in some kind of terrible accident, in which case, you probably have much bigger worries than your contact lens.
With that said, it is not impossible for a contact lens to get lost in the sides of your eye. This can happen, but it’s not very frequent. In most cases you will be able to feel it, although sometimes it’s hard to tell where, exactly, the contact lens is. To get it out, add a couple drops of contact lens solution or rewetting drops to the eye. Massage your eyelids gently to work the contact back to the front of the eye. If this doesn’t work, you can turn up your eyelid so that it is inside-out. These two methods are usually enough to find it.
Posted 5455 day ago