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Why do I get bags under my eyes when I'm tired?

I like to be beautiful at all times. Why do I get bags under my eyes?

5455 day(s) ago

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Why some people experience puffiness and bags under their eyes is complicated and not fully explainable because scientists have not yet fully studied it. What we do know is that some people are affected more than others because of genetic factors. Somewhere in our DNA is a gene for getting dark-colored skin under the eyes. Another gene makes us collect fluid there. As we get older, the force of decades of gravity works with genetics to make the bags worse than when we are young. We also lose the elasticity of our skin as we grow older, making the bags sag. With many people, the puffiness that can appear under the eyes creates shadows making the bags appear worse than they actually are.

A couple things are happening when we sleep that can contribute to bags under our eyes. As we sleep, our body isn’t circulating blood as well as when we are awake and mobile. This causes water to build up as we sleep. Water can collect under the eyes, creating puffiness. Also, when we are tired, the muscles in our face tend to relax. Even simple facial expressions seem more difficult to make. This means it is easier for water to collect under our eyes because the muscles are not taught and keeping the water out. When the muscles of the face are tight, the water collects in some other places in our body.

If you easily get bags under your eyes, it is suggested to eat less salt. Excess salt makes us retain water. You can also apply a cool compress to your eyes to help relieve the bags. Eliminating dehydrating drinks such as alcohol and those that contain caffeine will also reduce bags.

Posted 5455 day ago

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