Yes, you can definitely die from eating too much. In fact, many scientists are saying that, for the first time ever, the life expectancy in the U.S. will drop from the previous year. Why? Because people are eating too much. Eating too much leads to obesity, and obesity leads to a variety of other medical conditions that contribute to an early death. So, yes, overeating is killing Americans in record numbers already. To be fair, a lack of exercise also plays a role in the early demise of the obese, but overeating is the more serious problem. Obesity is said to be causing so much heart disease, asthma, type II diabetes, and other serious maladies that it is costing the U.S. economy over $75 billion per year.
Dying from overeating largely depends on which foods are being eaten. No one is obese because they eat too much raw broccoli or celery. Most obesity-related deaths are due to eating processed foods or fatty, fried foods. In the U.S. only 25% of adults eat the recommended 5 servings of fruits and vegetables. The number is even lower for children.
If you are asking if it is possible to instantly die from eating too much at one sitting, that is possible also, but much more rare. Again, it really depends on what you are eating. If you are eating rat poison, then, yes, death can be expected. If you are eating a giant tub of ground apple seeds, it is also possible to die because apple seeds contain a small amount of cyanide. If you are eating non-toxic food, something will usually stop you before you eat enough to die. The same is not true of drinking. You can easily die from by drinking too much water too fast. It takes several gallons, but enough water will do you in from a condition called water intoxication.
Posted 5421 day ago