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What causes cavities?

Why do people get cavities? How does brushing help?

5443 day(s) ago

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Cavities are a form of tooth decay in which holes form in the teeth. It is said that cavities are the second-most common medical problem, right after the common cold. Cavities can cause excruciating pain if they reach to the sensitive nerve-endings in the center of the tooth. Tooth decay can affect anyone at any age. Many people think only children get cavities, but adult cavities are often worse and more complicated than those of children. Tooth decay occurs as a result of plaque. Plaque is a film that builds up on the teeth when they are not properly cleaned.

Plaque formation is due to bacteria in the mouth. These bacteria are almost always present in the mouth. The amount of the bacteria present depends on how much left over food you leave in your mouth for them to eat. They especially like sugary and starchy foods. As they eat the food stuck in your teeth, they give off acids that mix with your saliva and food particles that create a sticky film that covers the teeth. This film is plaque. If plaque is not cleaned it turns into a hard, black substance called tartar. As plaque and tartar rests on the teeth, it dissolves the enamel on the surface. Once there is a hole in the enamel, the plaque continues to eat away at the rest of the tooth.

Dentists recommend cleaning the teeth directly after eating. Bacteria begin to accumulate and feed as soon as 20 minutes after eating. Bacteria are spread wider if sticky, sugary foods are eaten. Brushing and flossing takes care of most bacteria. Once a cavity develops, that portion of the tooth is lost forever. Dentists usually treat cavities by filling them with other hard substances such as silver, gold, or resins.

Posted 5443 day ago

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