Mr. Boxy
Looking good is a balancing act: Do too little and you look ordinary. Do too much and you look like a skank. If you want to look hot, you want to look like yourself, just better.
Be healthy
Exercise, eat well, get plenty of sleep, and drink a lot of water. Keep your skin moisturized, keep your drinking in check, and keep your skin protected when you're in the sun.
Do you need to be thin? It doesn't hurt, but it's not as important as you think. Men like women, including you. However, if you're thin, you have more options for the next step:
Clothes and makeup in moderation
Fashion is for women, not men. Most men don't know anything about men's fashion, let alone women's. If you want to look good, wear clothes that look good on you. This may or may not be up-to-the-minute fashions. If you dress like Lady Gaga, people are going to be talking about your clothes, not you. That's interesting, but not hot.
As for makeup, you're trying to enhance your natural beauty, not replace it. Observe:
She looks great with just a little makeup, and all of it is close to her natural skin tone.
Be confident
You are not Megan Fox. So what? She isn't hanging out with you. If you followed the last two steps you look great, so now you should take advantage of it. If you look confident, you look hot, and the easiest way to do that is to have fun.
That was the point of all this, right?
...but I'm a guy!
A lot of the same things that apply to women apply to men, too. Granted, you probably aren't going to wear much makeup, but if you take care of yourself, dress reasonably, and act confidently, you will be attractive.
There's one more caveat to being a hot guy: the suit. It's true that all men look good in tailored suits, but suits aren't appropriate everywhere. In some situations, you may just look overdressed. Use at your discretion.
Posted 5447 day ago