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Why does cat hair stick to clothes more than dog hair?

5437 day(s) ago

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Cat hair is also finer than dog hair, so it can slide into the fine spaces between threads of fabrics more easily than dog hair.

Most cats also have more hairs per square inch of skin than a dog does, as many as double depending on the compared breed of cat and dog. Also, cats tend to sleep and rest on a wide variety of surfaces in a home, and usually spend time sleeping/sitting/bathing in nearly all of them in any one day. Dogs tend to rest in fewer places, so they will naturally shed in fewer places. You're much more likely to grind kitty hair into your pants/shirt if everything your clothing touches is a reasonable place for a cat to sleep!

Posted 5109 day ago

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Mr. Boxy
Hair is made up of dead cells stacked on top of one another. The outside layer of the hair, called the dermic layer, is made of flat, saucer-shaped cells. The stacking of these varies between animals.

If you were to look at a dog hair and a cat hair under an electron microscope, the dog hair would look almost flat, since the dermic cells are attached at their edges, like this:


The cat hair would be very bumpy, as the dermic cells on it are attached on their sides, like this:
n n n n n n n

It's these spaces between the cells on the cat hair that let it hang onto surfaces better than dog hair. The surface of human hair is somewhere between the two, with cells that stick up like cat hair and others that are flat like dog hair.

Posted 5437 day ago

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