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Can you die in your own dream?

I heard that it is impossible to die in a dream. Is this true?

5430 day(s) ago

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No. It is possible to die in a dream because I just did it, but it does seem to be very rare. I always heard that if you die in a dream, then you will die in real life. That evidently, is an old wife’s tell because I just died in a dream for the first time in my life last night. As a child I would always wake up just before I died in a dream, which is a common response. I have never met, nor even heard of anyone who actually died in a dream without first waking up. For this reason I always assumed there was a natural psychological block to prevent dying in a dream. I am a healthy 48 year old white male, married with children, military veteran, and retired police officer. I have an assertive personality, I am also a very religious traditional Roman Catholic, creative, artistic, and have two master’s degrees. I regularly dream in color, three or four times a night. I have had dreams within dreams, two to four layers deep, where I wake up in a new dream, thinking I am awake and remembering the previous dream or dreams. Sometimes while in a dream, I will have false memories of completely different childhood and family history that support the dreams. Last night after researching assault rifles for a friend, I went to bed and dreamt that I was on a paramilitary religious mission in a hostile foreign country that used the same assault rifle that I had been researching. In the dream I was the only defender in a three man team who was rescuing a large religious relic in a box that required two people to carry. While they were trying to get the relic to the escape plane, I was responsible for shooting and killing the guards who tried to stop us. I am happy remember that each time I had to kill the four or five male guards, l always waited until absolutely that last minute and then acted reluctantly in self-defense with a deep sense of regret. I also remember being able to avoid killing a female guard who was trying to kill my team with hand grenades. When we got close to the plane, it was necessary for me to stay behind and sacrifice myself in a delaying action to facilitate the plane’s departure. I remember hearing the guards with their dogs closing in on me and facing certain prolonged torture and execution. I quickly used my last bullet to shoot myself in the head. I clearly remember feeling the bullet enter my head, thinking “that hurt more than I expected!” and fading out while falling to the ground dead. I then remember waking up in another dream with loosely related events to the previous dream, but not remembering my death until about five minutes after I woke up this morning. It is worth noting that in the dream my weapon functioned flawlessly. In past dreams, weapons fail to work correctly one way of another in about fifty percent of the time. This is a common phenomenon in dreams among other soldiers and police officers that I have known.
I hope you found this interesting and helpful.
God Bless.

Posted 3074 day ago

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Posted 4953 day ago

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In fact there have been a few reported cases in which the dreamer dies in real life although this is extremely rare because typically the person has a severe psychological or physical illness that you almost immediately know that there was a problem with you, it can occur from 2 different illnesses. One of them is where your breathing at night becomes extremely slow or labored in which case many people have to wear an oxygen mask at night one of them can result from night terrors where a person becomes very stressed in a nightmare causing a stroke or heart attack which requires powerful medications I know about this night terrors one because my friend has them. I hoped I helped you as much as i can.

Posted 5370 day ago

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This is a common myth. It is possible for your dream-self to die in your own dream, and, no, if you die in your own dream, you do not die in real life. Many people experience dreams in which they die and the dream continues. Most of us, however, tend to wake up just before or as we die in a dream. One factor that can play a part on whether we die in a dream is the perspective from which our dreams take place. If you think of a dream as a literary piece, we usually play the narrator of our own dream. Sometimes the dream takes place from a first-person perspective. That is, we see the dream as though it were through our own eyes. When we die in this type of dream, no narrator exists to continue the story. Some people dream in a third-person limited perspective. In this type of dream, the dreamer is a character in the dream, but a second identity of the dreamer exists as a disembodied observer who can see everything that goes on, including themselves, but does not have access to the thoughts of the other characters. Yet other people dream from a third-person omniscient perspective in which they know the thoughts and feelings of everyone in the dream. It is these third-person dreams in which death of the self is more common. Sometimes these dreams can become overly complicated. I once had a dream where I died, but then I became a ghost, so my body was dead, but my thoughts continued in spirit. Some people have had dreams in which they are not even in them. They are either someone else or just an invisible observer. If you do die in your own dream, it may cause an increased heart rate or perspiration in real life, but no one has ever been known to die from dreaming.

Posted 5430 day ago

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