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Why does some toothpaste have an expiration date?

I've noticed that sometimes the toothpaste I buy has an expiration date, and sometimes it doesn't. Why is this?

5205 day(s) ago

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I also cant understand why this manufacture company gives expiry date. i think it is rule of company

Posted 5178 day ago

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We all of knows that every toothpaste making by some chemicals. Then every chemical reacts each other if that period goes to many years may be it will cant give right effect on our teeth.

Posted 5179 day ago

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The FDA requires fluoride in toothpastes to be able to bond with tooth enamel for at least two years after the manufacture date. After this time, the fluoride can bind with caking agents forming fluoride salts. The toothpaste is still safe to use, but the fluoride won't be as effective. If the toothpaste degrades shortly after two years, it must carry an expiration date.

Fluoride-free toothpastes do not require an expiration date, nor do toothpastes that have a fluoride life well beyond two years, so it's up to the manufacturer whether or not they print a date on their products. While fluoride-free toothpastes are easy to identify by the active ingredients label, long-life toothpaste depends a lot on that specific toothpaste's chemistry, which makes the application of expiration dates seem random. For example, AquaFresh's Tartar Control toothpaste doesn't have an expiration date because the manufacturer states that the fluoride is stable for over three years, but the rest of their toothpastes are dated.

Posted 5205 day ago

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