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Why are my breasts tender before my period?

5205 day(s) ago

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Only because of harmonal changes. dont worry it's natural.

Posted 5178 day ago

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During or before MC time our human body is going through a lot of hormonal changes. That is the only reason.

Posted 5179 day ago

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Between ovulation and menstruation, your body is going through a lot of hormonal changes. Between these stages, your body shifts from having high levels of estrogen to high levels of progesterone. This primes your breasts for growth and milk production, which will continue if you become pregnant. After ovulation, your progesterone and estrogen levels return to normal, and the tenderness should stop.

Continued tenderness is often the first sign of pregnancy, which can be confusing for women who have just stopped hormone treatments for birth control. As they haven't had a normal period in a while, they may be unfamiliar with this symptom of a regular ovulation cycle. Added estrogen from other sources can also cause or increase tenderness. This can come about through hormone therapy, or environmental factors like BPA. This compound has recently been in the news for its use in plastic bottles. It isn't truly estrogen, but it can have an estrogen-like effect in the body.

Posted 5205 day ago

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