Believe it or not, there really is no firm rule about this in the United States. Technically, it's possible for your bank to try to cash a check even after the printed expiration date, but only if they have a good faith reason to believe that there are funds to cover the amount, and also that you're not up to anything fraudulent.
Now, those are a couple of big "only ifs", and because of that, most banks will (1) honor any "Void after XX days" printed on the check - they simply won't cash it past that date, and (2) in most circumstances, a bank will not cash a check that is more than six months old - 180 days past the issue date and it's a no go.
Again those are general rules. In special circumstances, you may very well be able to get a check cashed outside of those parameters. But if you can, go ahead and get those checks cashed now before they're more than 1-2 months old -- save yourself any confusion or delay at the bank, because even if it gets cashed, it's possible that you'd have a delay while the bank teller asks management whether they should honor your four-month-old check.
Posted 5071 day ago