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i bite the skin around my nails. the result is extreme during stress.. why cant i find a solution to it?

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4897 day(s) ago

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Nail biting, and biting the skin around the nails, is a common habit. Most methods for stopping this habit are centered around either dealing with the stress in a different way, or taking an action to inhibit or prevent nail biting.
Some people wear gloves to avoid nail biting, but in a professional situation that can be unpleasant. Others might wear a bandaid around the end of one finger, maybe the one they bite the most. This reminds them not to bite their nails (or the area around their nails). There are also nail polishes that are bitter-tasting, and created specifically to keep people from biting their nails (see for details).
If your situation is really severe - bleeding or other damage to the fingernail area - you might want to consult a physician. He or she can provide you with expert advice on how to avert the stress, which seems to be the root cause of this problem for you.

Posted 4896 day ago

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