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What would happen to your visual system if you could feed all visual input from your right eye to your left eye, and vice versa?

I can imagine doing this with VR glasses and cameras mounted on them.

5017 day(s) ago

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Answers (3)

Experiments like this have been done and people adjust quite rapidly to the altered perception of reality, whether switched left to right, or right side up to upside down. One common place this happens is when people use microscopes. Another quick and inexpensive test you can do for yourself to see how fast you adjust is writing things on a note pad that you are looking at in a mirror. It is difficult at first, but gets easier very quickly.

Posted 5006 day ago

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5003 day(s) ago
The mirror idea is not exactly what you are wanting, but helps to understand how plastic our perception is. See the 1965 Psychological Review paper by Charles Samuel Harris as a starting point for some of the better (albeit older) experiments.

5005 day(s) ago
I think you misunderstood the question. Rather than the visual image being flipped completely, I was wondering about the effects of your left eye seeing things from the perspective of the right eye, and vice versa. I think this would alter the way the brain processes depth based on different viewing angles. Can you point me to some of the studies you mention? And just a note, most low power microscopes don't invert images, but high power ones do - although this has nothing to do with altered visual input into left and right eyes.

I think you'd be disoriented for a while, and eventually your brain and body would adjust.

I say this because our retinas actually do see images upside down and backward, due to the way light travels through our eye and onto the retina. Our brain continually adjusts these images so we can "see" correctly. So, I think it's not unreasonable to say that, eventually, we could adjust to switching left-right vision.

And you're probably right - seems like this would be a relatively simple experiment to do using VR glasses and cameras.

Posted 5017 day ago

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I just signed up for this cool website. I'd like to hear any feedback on this question, it's really interesting to think about!

Posted 5017 day ago

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