Kissing, like most aspects of romance, isn’t really something that you can read a book about and learn how to do. It’s something that each person does a little differently, and while there are things that some people like and some don’t, there’s not really a “right” way to kiss. All I can really do is give you some tips from my own experience, and hope that they help you!
Start slow. There’s no need to attack your kissing partner! Move slowly at first, with mouth closed and hands strictly outside the bathing suit area. While it’s nice to eventually have passionate kisses, no one wants to be jumped on, particularly for the first kiss!
Pay close attention to the other person. If you’re really focusing on them, rather than on yourself, you’ll be able to tell what they do and don’t like. If you’re at all confused, you can always ask. Most people feel shy about asking straightforward questions, but I’ve found that they really help you to understand the other person, and help you to trust one another.
Don’t worry too much. If you’re tense and scared, you won’t kiss well. Imagine, would you like to kiss a wall? That’s what you’ll feel like if you’re too worried about whether you’re doing it “right” or not! Just relax, and figure things out as you go. If you mess up, laugh! You should be comfortable enough with the person you’re kissing that you can laugh with them about anything, even yourself.
Do what feels right to you. Most people have relatively good romantic instincts if they just listen to them; if your partner disagrees, they’ll let you know!
Enjoy yourself! Kissing can be great fun, and you can enjoy learning how as much as doing it!
Posted 5500 day ago