There isn’t any one definite cause of baldness. The most immediate way to go bald would be to shave your head for an immediate fashion statement. As for involuntary hair loss, it may be the result of one of many things. Perhaps the most popular theory is that it is genetic. The exact genes have not been pinpointed because scientists theorize it may be a combination of several. However, it has been identified that the heredity is passed through the grandfather on the mother’s side. So if your mom’s dad is bald, there are those who theorize that you too are destined to be bald since it’s carried through an x chromosome.
Another theory involves hormones. There is an enzyme in the body that is vital to the development of a young male in vivo (in the womb). The enzyme involves the breakdown of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which is a component in fetal development when defining a young male. Hormones change throughout ones life and there’s a possibility that DHT is connected to male pattern baldness.
Now baldness in women is most commonly the result of a loss in estrogen that comes about during menopause. Later in life, when baldness occurs, we see increased levels of testosterone in women and estrogen in men (yes your body produces both) and these level changes may also have something to do with it. The main thing is that baldness is probably a cause of numerous factors and conditions so trying to pinpoint on one specific cause may not be effective.
Posted 5564 day ago