Vomiting is a bodily reflex against harmful substances that you may eat or ingest. If something toxin gets into your digestive track, which is anything from your esophagus all the way through your stomach, intestines, and out through your butt, your body will upchuck as an attempt purge them from your body. If you didn’t have this kind of defense mechanism then anything harmful in your system could easily get absorbed through your small intestine.
Vomiting is an involuntary reaction that happens without you having to conscientiously think about it. It’s controlled by a part of the brain called the medulla oblongata. This same part of the brain controls other involuntary functions like breathing and heart beat. When your body decides it needs to get rid of something with the old heave-ho, the medulla oblongata sends a message to your digestive track that it should begin reverse peristalsis. Peristalsis is a series of contractions in your GI track that help move food through your body. The reverse of this cause you to vomit, purging yourself of any toxins in your system. Say, for example, you drink too much alcohol. Well, alcohol is technically a poison (and a social lubricant). The state of drunkenness you feel is result of your body being poisoned. Normally your body can handle the poison by ciphering things through your liver. But if it’s too much to handle for the liver then up it comes.
Posted 5564 day ago