Game types
Stud: The first two cards are dealt facing up, so the other players can try to guess what your hand is.
Draw: Each player gets their cards at the start, and have one chance to exchange cards in their hand.
A poker hand must have five cards. In games where the player has more than this, they can pick five of their cards to make a hand.
Poker hands
The suits are ranked, with the lowest being clubs, followed by spades, diamonds, and hearts.
The lowest card is 2, and the highest is the ace.
These hands are ranked from lowest value to highest:
High Card: If two players have the same kind of hand, the person with the highest ranking card in their hand wins.
One Pair: Two cards with the same number.
Two Pair
Three of a Kind: Three cards that have the same number.
Straight: Five cards in a row numerically, i.e. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Flush: All cards from the same suit.
Full House: Three cards make three of a kind, and the other two make a pair.
Four of a Kind: Four cards of the same number, such as four queens.
Straight Flush: A flush in which all of the cards are the same suit.
Royal Flush: 10, Jack, Queen, King, and Ace all of the same suit.
Each hand begins with an "ante," the bet needed to be in the game. After this, if you are playing draw poker, everyone is dealt their cards. In stud poker, each person gets two cards.
Open: The first person to bet "opens."
Check: If no one has bet yet this turn, the player can skip, or "check" the bet.
Once someone makes a bet during a turn, the other players have three choices:
See: Match the bet to stay in the game.
Raise: See the bet, and add to it.
Fold: Leave the game. The player loses the money in the pot.
Once all the cards are dealt and there are only two players left, one of them can "call." This stops the betting, and both player have to show their cards.
Posted 5512 day ago