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Alter universes

so the world has multiple universes ,that in my oppinion is very much true but the part that the other universes make different choises is wrong.let me tell u my version: multiple universes make the same choises in every paralel universe but when the time of death just 1 paralel you dies and destroy a part of the individual character remaining with a conglomerate of alter egos except the one u died therefor the changes in human behavior when neardead experience .im not a scientist and maybe some1 who knows how to translate this in scientific facts is willing to have a statement.

4859 day(s) ago

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Im not completely sure by what you mean in that statement but you have stated 'so the world has multiple universes' as a fact which it is not.

Hypothetically every choice spawns a new universe which doesn't only mean whether or not you decide to get the bus or walk home, it includes EVERYTHING including decays of sub atomic particles, within every period of time an atom has a certain 'chance' that it will decay'. This decay occurs randomly but within large samples can be modelled or predicted (only predict very large quantities of decay i.e. the half life).

This is of course all hypothetical and hasn't and probably will never be proven as every universe within this multiverse would be separated with no border into each other i.e. to each the others do not exist, therefore in ours theirs don't exist.

This is where theoretical physics gets silly. Like for schrodingers (spelt wrong) cat we can say that if we are removed from a system then we cannot possibly determine anything about anything inside of that system. I am trying to describe the features of heisenburgs uncertainty principle VERY simply so this information is not completely true.

But to explain what I said in the paragraph above, imagine you are locked in a room with very thick walls and no door. You cannot interact with anything outside the room nor do you know it exists because of this impossibility. Our universe is the room and everything outside the room in which we cannot interact with is the corridor leading to the other rooms or universes.

Source: I study geophysics at university

Posted 4787 day ago

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