Scientists are still working on the question of why the ice caps are melting. So far, no conclusive answers have been found. Studies have shown a few alarming facts about what exactly is happening:
• The permanent ice that stays in the Arctic Circle all year is an average of 10 inches thinner than it was in the past decade.
• The maximum coverage of ice around the Arctic Circle is decreasing in diameter.
• The water of the Arctic Ocean has risen by an average of 2 degrees F over the past 10 years.
• The ratio of salt to water (salinity) in the Arctic Ocean is decreasing.
• The permafrost in portions of Alaska is thinning and thawing.
• Changes have been found in the water circulation and currents in the Arctic Ocean.
Scientists disagree whether this pattern will continue or if it is only part of a cycle that will end and bring the Arctic region back to normalcy in the future. Many people believe all of these conditions are being caused by global warming, but there is no solid evidence yet to support this. Much of our lack of knowledge about the ice caps in the Arctic is due to very few studies having been done in the past. There is not a lot of information to compare and contrast the new findings. Some of the U.S. Navy’s submarines have been diverted to help in the studies and scientists are working diligently to find a reason. If the reason is man-made global warming, a solution can be found. If it is simply Mother Nature, then it probably can’t be stopped.
Posted 5482 day ago