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Where do favorites get stored on a computer?

I'm still trying to figure this machine out. I'm trying to find where my favorites are stored. A friend of mine told me where to look, but when I get there, I don't see the folder.

5218 day(s) ago

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The favorites get stored in different places on a computer depending on the operating system you are using, the browser, and any add-ons you may be using for your browser. The most basic scenario is a system running Windows XP with Internet Explorer. In this case, the favorites are in a hidden folder, so once you get to the folder, you will not see it. First, go to the folder. It is on your root drive, usually C, at C:\Documents and Settings \ [username]. There is a different file for each user on the computer. In the address, change the [username] with the exact username. Do not include the brackets. Once at this location in Windows Explorer, click on the Tools menu at the top. Go to Folder Options, and click the View button. A list of several options will display. Find the choice on the menu labeled Show hidden files and folders. Check the box and you will see the Favorites folder.

If you are using Firefox, the Favorites folder is in a different location than it is for Internet Explorer. In Firefox, favorites are called bookmarks. The only way to see them is to use the file menu inside Firefox because they are not stored in a regular file. Firefox 3.0 and higher stores bookmarks in a SQLite database. What you have to do is export the bookmarks to an HTML file. To do this, go to the Bookmarks menu and click on Organize Bookmarks. A new window will pop up. At the top of the new window is a button labeled Import and Backup. Click on this button and choose Export HTML. Select a location to save the file. Once saved, you can open the favorites file in any web browser.

Posted 5218 day ago

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Posted 4060 day ago

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[link url=][/link]

Posted 4060 day ago

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Nice share

Posted 4060 day ago

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It differs according to ur OS , like in win 7 in in the folder named of ur account , i.e. press start and then click on the link above documents and after entering the folder u will find it or rather a better way

go on search , choose all files and folders and type favorouite and it will give u the folder , juz right click on it and choose open containng folder ,


Posted 5105 day ago

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It differs according to ur OS , like in win 7 in in the folder named of ur account , i.e. press start and then click on the link above documents and after entering the folder u will find it or rather a better way

go on search , choose all files and folders and type favorouite and it will give u the folder , juz right click on it and choose open containng folder ,


Posted 5105 day ago

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you can stored your favourite in any place. it's depending on you.

Posted 5182 day ago

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